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TT 2004 calendar

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 10:41 pm
by SkullKnight
dang, I ordered it back in october. Got a message that it was processed the beginning of nov. Now I just got in at my door today. Thats a long time! I was impressed with the artwork, although its rehash from the manga, there all seperate sheets, its not even bound. Anybody else get the calendar?

Its like artwork with numbers of the days at the bottom, its odd, but it came with a really cool folder like thing. :D I'll scan it if I can.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 10:39 pm
by Agent_Wax
Checked it out at a local comics store. None of the artwork was new, so I didn't think it worth buying. Nice quality paper and print work, though.

Agent Wax

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 1:10 pm
by Isuzu
Is Isuzu to be seen on any month? :twisted:

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 3:48 pm
by SkullKnight
she is, but its not a new piece, shes the girl for nov and dec.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 4:23 pm
by Isuzu
SkullKnight wrote:she is, but its not a new piece, shes the girl for nov and dec.
Hmmm, quite fitting actually, she's more the winter type *g*

Sadly you can't get it in Germany :/

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 10:10 am
by SkullKnight
Yea the Isuzu image is the one where she is standing and from behind she has the staff with the snake and its right up against her ass. Very nice! ANd because the sheet is pretty large its more interesting to look at than in the smaller manga version. I almost thought about putting the them on my wall amongst the shirow masamune I have but it wouldn't fit quite well.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:35 am
by Isuzu
SkullKnight wrote:Yea the Isuzu image is the one where she is standing and from behind she has the staff with the snake and its right up against her ass. Very nice! ANd because the sheet is pretty large its more interesting to look at than in the smaller manga version. I almost thought about putting the them on my wall amongst the shirow masamune I have but it wouldn't fit quite well.
When I saw this picture, I instantly put it onto my desktop... that was almost four months ago, and it's still my wallpaper... I just *love* that image *g*

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 3:19 pm
by Banorac
Isuzu wrote:
SkullKnight wrote:Yea the Isuzu image is the one where she is standing and from behind she has the staff with the snake and its right up against her ass. Very nice! ANd because the sheet is pretty large its more interesting to look at than in the smaller manga version. I almost thought about putting the them on my wall amongst the shirow masamune I have but it wouldn't fit quite well.
When I saw this picture, I instantly put it onto my desktop... that was almost four months ago, and it's still my wallpaper... I just *love* that image *g*

:shock: I'm surounded by horny otaku !!! :o

Well, actually I have that wallpapers as well ^^
But I still like real girls better :D

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 2:44 am
by Agent_Wax
Well, it is a very nice picture of a very nice butt...

Agent Wax

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 8:34 am
by Isuzu
Banorac wrote: :shock: I'm surounded by horny otaku !!! :o

Well, actually I have that wallpapers as well ^^
But I still like real girls better :D

Hey, my girlfriend likes the pic, too :D

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 7:42 pm
by Banorac
Isuzu wrote:
Banorac wrote: :shock: I'm surounded by horny otaku !!! :o

Well, actually I have that wallpapers as well ^^
But I still like real girls better :D

Hey, my girlfriend likes the pic, too :D

Hm, you sure your girlfriend still ahs a healthy interest in you ? :D :twisted:

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 9:51 am
by Isuzu
Banorac wrote:Hm, you sure your girlfriend still ahs a healthy interest in you ? :D :twisted:
Well, I really hope so... if not, she's gonna suffer :twisted:

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 12:10 pm
by Banorac
Isuzu wrote:
Banorac wrote:Hm, you sure your girlfriend still ahs a healthy interest in you ? :D :twisted:
Well, I really hope so... if not, she's gonna suffer :twisted:
You're going to get all Nagi on her ? ^^

You sicko :o

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 10:36 am
by Isuzu
Banorac wrote:You're going to get all Nagi on her ? ^^
I actually think she'd like that if I would go Nagi on her... he's her favourite, and she keeps drooling all the time when she sees him *g*

You sicko :o
Not really... or am I? :twisted:

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 11:53 pm
by SkullKnight
so your girlfriend doesn't find reading this stuff to be all that weird? I guess I still live in place where its not good to go against the common establishment of "football is life" down here in alabama. Actually nobody knows about my interests cause, well I don't bring it up at work or in class. OH the girlfriend thing, I"m workin on that :wink: , how do ya find the time?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 7:53 am
by Banorac
Hm ...So Skullknight, are you ashamed of your hobby ? That's kinda weird ...

I don't keep it hidden thath I read mangas ... I even draw manga in class, and the girls in my class like my drawings and it's nice to get compliments, so why even hide it ^^

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 10:58 am
by SkullKnight
i don't hide it necessarily, nobody asks. Are you still in highschool? I say that because generally college is broken up by time. I work in the classes and then I go to work :D work work work thats all I do. Until I graduate and get a steadier schedule, well hell the days of sitting in class are almost over. I'm an art student, yet I have no time to doodle. Imagine that. :?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 6:16 pm
by Banorac
SkullKnight wrote:i don't hide it necessarily, nobody asks. Are you still in highschool? I say that because generally college is broken up by time. I work in the classes and then I go to work :D work work work thats all I do. Until I graduate and get a steadier schedule, well hell the days of sitting in class are almost over. I'm an art student, yet I have no time to doodle. Imagine that. :?
i'm 17 and in my last year, I have no job and I don't know what I'm going to study next year, I wanted to do japanology, but that plan didn't work out ...

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:53 am
by SkullKnight
japanology? you can do asian studies if you want, many different fields. You can do a history major and specialize in japanese history or you can do the asian media arts road if that exists.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:50 am
by Isuzu
SkullKnight wrote:so your girlfriend doesn't find reading this stuff to be all that weird? I guess I still live in place where its not good to go against the common establishment of "football is life" down here in alabama. Actually nobody knows about my interests cause, well I don't bring it up at work or in class. OH the girlfriend thing, I"m workin on that :wink: , how do ya find the time?

It's not a problem at all, you just have to want it, then it'll work *g*

And well, she already drew a pic of Isuzu-sama for me, she's also into that manga-stuff... but I guess it's easier for people that are living in a society not so, well, lets be diplomatic and say difficult as the south of the US... *g*

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:43 pm
by Banorac
SkullKnight wrote:japanology? you can do asian studies if you want, many different fields. You can do a history major and specialize in japanese history or you can do the asian media arts road if that exists.
Maybe in Alabama, but not here ....

The things I'd like to learn : Japanese language and - history.

What do you meen by media arts ? Manga ? ^^

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 12:31 am
by SkullKnight
media arts is pretty broad. It can be 2d and 3d animation and graphic design elements are in it aswell, its heard to label all that media arts has. You shouldn't have a problem with history, you may be looking at a regular history major and for a masters you can do japanese history as your specialization.

Yeah being down here in the bible belt its hard to get them to think "outside the book" sort a speak. I've heard people label pokemon as "blatently evil" wtf is that? -ignorance it runs rampant.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 7:20 am
by kujoe
Banorac wrote:The things I'd like to learn : Japanese language and - history.
I just recently finished my minor in Japanese and I'm telling you -- it'll take your love of the language, hard work and dedication to learn Japanese. And practice! Sometimes it can even get harder as you advance.

Right here in my unit, I usually encounter Japanese housewives with their little kids tagging along, and I can't even make myself greet them in Japanese. It's sort of embarrassing when I realize that their preschool kids probably speak more fluently than me. :? I found it easier to speak during class.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 10:35 pm
by SkullKnight
maybe it'd be easier to speak more fluently of you actually lived in japan or a japanese household, hearing nothing but that language I"m sure would help. I remember hearing the progress of a german exchange student and her english improved dramatically in just a few months.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 7:10 am
by kujoe
Yeah I know, but as much as helpful that would seem, it's also very challenging. It's not like I'm going to the US where I know I won't have problems with communicating in english. Plus I have connections there, whereas in Japan, I have none. The only alternative I have right now is getting into an exchange program through my school or something.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 2:11 pm
by SkullKnight
exchange eh? thats what I'm trying to do, the study abroad program thing. They tell me you can pickup information and stuff from an international administration, UA's got a whole building but its for other purposes too.

if ya got above a 3.0 gpa and are willing to jump through a lot of hoops you can do it. Thats what one person told me. But you got to get the requirements in before the previous semester. for example I'd have to do it pretty fast to go somewhere for summer, but its plenty of time for fall which I"m shooting for. fall in japan would be cool. :wink:

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 11:10 am
by Banorac
I think it's called Erasmus Project or something ...