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wtf just happened

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 5:35 pm
by Press_Disposer
Can some explain the scene with Mitsuomi and Bunshichi watching the tape that Mana gave him after their "meeting"?I can recognize one of them as Shin stomping on some dude's hands and some girl clinging to his leg ....WHY? who are they? I'm so very confused...and who is Fu'CHien and what does he have to do with anything?


Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 11:39 pm
by sniffles
The WHY is because he was under the control of the dragons eye. IT was part of the experiment process being done on him kinda. the people being hurt/killed are of no importance. FU;chein is the dude that was teaching mitsuomi figtehing styles (chinese) and he didn't like shin at all

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 1:46 am
by Agent_Wax
Fu worked for Dougen Takayanagi. Doing exactly what, I'm not sure...
He's dead now, anyway, so it may not matter.

As for why Bunshichi was being observed, I always thought it was because he was being assessed as a pawn for Dougen Takayanagi's sick games.

As for the experiment itself, Shin was being groomed to be the Monster, not the Hero who slays the Monster as he believed. The Hero was to have been Mitsuomi, who in all likelihood never wanted the role...

Agent Wax

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 8:42 pm
by Banorac
I want to know who or what that freak thing chained to that chair and staked tot ground was, was it the eight-armed-roboto-freak ? :?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 9:26 pm
by Agent_Wax
I want to know who or what that freak thing chained to that chair and staked tot ground was, was it the eight-armed-roboto-freak
Dude, that's his half-brother...

Agent Wax

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 12:16 pm
by Banorac
Agent_Wax wrote:
I want to know who or what that freak thing chained to that chair and staked tot ground was, was it the eight-armed-roboto-freak
Dude, that's his half-brother...

Agent Wax
Erm .... How do you know that ? It isn't mentioned, is it ? :?

Anyway, why the F doesn't he have any arms :shock: he's got like four shredded pieces of flesh :?

And why the hell would his head-pissing SoB of a half-brother be chained and staked to a chair with a bird cage on his head :shock:

Well, I guess it fitted in the volume, it's a bit of a sick one actually ... Torture devices, burning people alive, freaks with bird cages on their heads :D

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 2:09 pm
by FuguTabetai
Banorac, go back and read that chapter - the whole flashback is about how Tsumuji was treated by his half-brother, and then the guards say that the guy that is being tortured is the true Tsumuji heir. It is all there.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 5:42 pm
by Banorac
Well, it was 3 in the night when I read the chapter ^^
Although, I thought the guy on the chair was a flash forward :?

EDIT : Since it's something Aya sees with the Dragon's Eye

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 3:27 pm
by SkullKnight
I am kind of curious as to what led to the other injuries his half brother got. In the flashback in only shows one foot getting shredded right? He must of tried something again and got chewed up by tsumuji. Vicious indeed. I didn't quite like the setup of him getting his mechanical arms destroyed and then him "awaking" before nagi. Its ok for a fight but I just didn't think that bastard deserved to fight any longer. Oh well I"m curious to see what nagi can do. If he opens up any more gates or not.

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 3:30 pm
by FuguTabetai
Tsumuji Mataaza (F) has been torturing his half-brother. That's what you meant, right?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 12:57 am
by kujoe
His half-brother was being tortured? I had the impression that his flesh was still being ripped apart as a continuing after effect of Tsumuji's (F) powers. I kind of thought that those things that were attached to him in that flashback were a means to keep him from totally falling apart or to prevent the spread of the effects of Tsumuji's powers.

Hmmm. I guess I'm overestimating Tsumuji's powers here. I'm also wondering if there's a drawback to his powers. Is it similar to Souichirou's--wherein the dragon might eventually consume him, or is it something else entirely?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 10:13 am
by FuguTabetai
It looks like he was ashamed of his ugly claws before, but that is the only impression I got about drawbacks...


Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 9:33 pm
by Agent_Wax
His half-brother was being tortured? I had the impression that his flesh was still being ripped apart as a continuing after effect of Tsumuji's (F) powers. I kind of thought that those things that were attached to him in that flashback were a means to keep him from totally falling apart or to prevent the spread of the effects of Tsumuji's powers.
Uhh.. I'm not sure I understand everything you said, but my take on that is that when Mitsuomi launched his coup 2 years ago, Tsumuji chased his dad out, took over the clan, and imprisoned his brother. For the past 2 years, his brother has been kept alive only for the purpose of being tortured in various shapes and forms. Dad wants to take him down and rescue his other son (as well as possibly reestablishing the jijis and obasans in positions of authority), which is where Nagi and the rest of Jyuukenbu come in...

Agent Wax

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 11:27 pm
by kujoe
Agent_Wax wrote:Uhh.. I'm not sure I understand everything you said, but my take on that is that when Mitsuomi launched his coup 2 years ago, Tsumuji chased his dad out, took over the clan, and imprisoned his brother. For the past 2 years, his brother has been kept alive only for the purpose of being tortured in various shapes and forms. Dad wants to take him down and rescue his other son (as well as possibly reestablishing the jijis and obasans in positions of authority), which is where Nagi and the rest of Jyuukenbu come in...
Oh, I was referring to page 201 of vol 10. In that page, we see Tsumuji's (F) half-brother in a sitting position with things attached to his deformed body. There's even a cage-like contraption around his head. I sort of inferred he was still experiencing the after effects of Tsumuji's (F) powers from what the guards were saying in page 200--when one of them said, "...looks like his pains have started again."

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 10:36 am
by FuguTabetai
kujoe wrote: Oh, I was referring to page 201 of vol 10. In that page, we see Tsumuji's (F) half-brother in a sitting position with things attached to his deformed body. There's even a cage-like contraption around his head. I sort of inferred he was still experiencing the after effects of Tsumuji's (F) powers from what the guards were saying in page 200--when one of them said, "...looks like his pains have started again."
The pains are recurring pains - most likely from continued torture. He's definitely been kept in there to be tortured for quite a while (the guards also said that they heard rumors that this was the true son of the Tsumuji clan, and they couldn't believe that this is what would happen to him... I think, this is all from memory.)


Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 10:16 pm
by Chello
That kid's fighting techniques have been completely ruined. It is a miracle he is still alive.

I am hoping Nagi rips the hell out of Tsumuji(F).

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 10:45 pm
by kujoe
Well, after reading the replies here I'm beginning to see that I've overestimated Tsumuji's powers. Oh well. And regarding his older half-brother--I guess you could say it's karma, albeit just a bit extreme. Hell, dying would seem like a miracle to him!

I'd like to see the fight between Nagi and Tsumuji too. I'm just wondering if Nagi's going to lose or end up with a draw again. He's got to win at least one fight! All his training should amount to something by now.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 10:24 pm
by burrowowl
FuguTabetai wrote:The pains are recurring pains - most likely from continued torture. He's definitely been kept in there to be tortured for quite a while (the guards also said that they heard rumors that this was the true son of the Tsumuji clan, and they couldn't believe that this is what would happen to him... I think, this is all from memory.)
Due to the placement of the "the pains have started again" scene in relation to Tumuji (F)'s combat with Nagi and Aya, I was under the impression that the use of the Dragon's Claw was directly related to the half-brother's condition worsening.

Somehow I doubt that it is important other than for the purpose of establishing what a messed up f*ck Tsumuji (F) is.