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TenTen Anime: A-S fansub ripoff Fugu's?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 3:28 pm
by raton-laveur
Don't wanna sound all polemic for my first post, but well... I've been shocked by the numerous similarities between anime-station's translation of TenTen and the Fugu's one. I know that TenTen lines are almost the same in the anime, but full sentences and expressions like "street hoodlums" or "muscles all haphazard" that could have been translated in a million of different ways been ended up being exactly the same as mangatranslation's version... With the episode 2, I was under the impression more than a third was direct from the manga.
I know you Fugu did published your scripts, but I don't even think you're credited (actually, the only translator on the credits is minidora07, an a-s team member), plus their website not updated and their IRC serv seems KO. I've been searchin' the forum but couldn't find a previous post about this, too.

EDIT: Seen your advices about the a-s job, but not a word on the similarities. Must have missed something, aint' I?

btw fugu, awesome job on your translation; feels like your ebay auction success was a thank-you from the community^^.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 4:56 pm
by Kagutsuchi
I think we've all noticed the similarities of translation.

Fugu is an excellent translator, but I'm also going to give A-S quite a bit of credit for their work. Have you seen the fansubs by ^_^ ? I really didn't like their translations for Episode 3. Now those seemed to be a rip-off of Fugu. Both Fugu and [^_^] misspelled "capoeira" as "capoera" (No offense Fugu, I know it's an obscure word, haha) Whereas Anime-Station spelt it properly, and I even double checked at to make sure of myself.

And the lines that weren't in the manga? Those were totally different in the [^_^] and A-S translations... in particular the part where Bob talks to Masataka as he's jogging. A-S seemed to have done a good job though. The way they did it seems more consistent with the characters.

Also, I don't know Japanese at all but I liked A-S's translation for when Nagi and Bob come to join the Jyuukenbu. Instead of the line "more haste, less speed" I think A-S translated it as "if you're in a rush, take the longest route." Personally I think that carried the idea more clearly. Again, I don't know Japanese or any proverbs but that's my 2 cents.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 5:39 pm
by sword
raton...u forgot that the anime followed the manga pretty strictly. Therefore they should have pretty much the same script. If words were translated similarly, its probly due to the fact that it was the same.. How much different can u translate the same lines?

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 5:49 pm
by FuguTabetai
And honestly, I don't care. I just do this for fun, for a hobby, for myself.

I actually really like the line "More haste, less speed" - for the subtle "makes you think" connotations.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 6:16 pm
by Kagutsuchi
Having done some very minor translations of written stuff, I totally disagree with Sword. I know English, Vietnamese and a little Spanish. Translating between different languages, even if it's the same text, might come out different when two different people do it. This is especially true for "idioms" (uhh, I think that's the term for it...). These are expressions that don't mean what they literally say and might not make sense if you don't know the culture behind it.

For the quote: It does sound more like a proverb that way Fugu. Like in the "if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it" sort of way.

But I didn't catch the meaning of that particular line when Bob said it that way though. Oh well... maybe one day I'll get around to learning Japanese for myself ^_^.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 6:35 pm
by sword
yea of course the word order/phrasing will be different but the meaning will remain more-or-less the same