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GMAO Version 1.3.0

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 8:23 am
by FuguTabetai
GMAO Version 1.3.0 released. This major update introduces inline text editing. See the Documentation (Help - text - inline editing) for help. Please let me know if you have any problems. I am aware that trying to edit text that is rotated inline doesn't work (well, it does if you can find the right place to click) - I have to send the clicked point through a rotational transform to get that working.

Other changes:

<li>(Version 1.3.0) Major, major change: Added in-line editing of text bubbles. For bubbles that have displayed text, moving the mouse over them will change the cursor to a text editing cursor. Clicking in the bubble will let you edit the text live. See the help for more details.</li>
<li>(Version 1.3.0) Switched display to always use TextLine objects - this paves the way for future support of maybe adding font information to runs of text inside the bubble. It would be a lot of work though, so I don't anticipate doing it myself...</li>
<li>(Version 1.3.0) Fixed bug where GMAO always thought that you had unsaved changes to save if you weren't connected to an update server.</li>
<li>(Version 1.3.0) Broke Documentation out into a separate JAR that will only be loaded when documentation changes. Moved GMAO What's New to be only accessible from the GMAO Menu.</li>
<li>(Version 1.3.0) The preference to ignore certain characters in a characters list is now saved.</li>

Update to version 1.3.1, documention update as well

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 7:36 pm
by FuguTabetai
Upadted GMAO to version 1.3.1. Basically has three things:

* Menu bar should be up on the top of the screen for MacOS now. Also, shortcut for save should be command-S (and control-S on windows, it uses whatever the platform modifier key for those things is now.)

* GMAO tracks the resolution of images that you annotate at. It is stored as an attribute on the Page element in the XML file.

* If you load up an image with a different resolution, GMAO will ask you if you want to scale the annotations to the new image size. Seems to work. Be warned: not heavily tested.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 3:07 pm
by FuguTabetai
Looks like I royally screwed up text rotation with the 1.3.1 update. I'll look into it...

GMAO 1.3.3 released

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 12:19 pm
by FuguTabetai
I just released 1.3.3 which fixes the text rotation bug that I introduced in 1.3.2.

Basically, everything works fine when nothing is scaled. But when you scale stuff, almost nothing works. I would be afraid to see what happens if you try to draw a new annotation when scaled... Anyway, rotation does not work at all, inline text editing does not work at all, and moving bubbles won't work either. (It will give you the outline of the original sized bubble, and let you move that, then when you click, it does away. It was actually moved, but the scaled bubble is the one that is visible.)

I think I really need to rethink how I do this scaling. One approach that would work loads better is to load the new image, and then re-scale all the annotations by making them really be the new size. Right now, the annotations have a "real" size, and a "Scaled" size. That leads to lots and lots of problems. If I did that though, saving the XML file would save things back out in the new scale. That might not be so bad, but it changes things, so I worry about it a bit.

For now, it is strongly recommended that you annotate and translate the image at the final size that you want it at.


Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 10:37 am
by FuguTabetai
1.3.4 fixes a bug that was incorrectly updating the resolution of new pages. It is working correctly now though.

I still haven't done much with the resolution stuff - as above, it is problematic. But it never hurts to have more meta-data in you file.

Version 1.3.5

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 2:46 pm
by FuguTabetai
Lately I've been translating a lot more text heavy stuff, and in these cases I like the enter the Japanese first, and then my translation. I noticed that GMAO displayed Japanese text horribly since it always wants to split into tokens based on space. So I added some more flexibility in String Tokenization - you can now specify different tokenizers for different languages, and there is the notion of a tokenSeparator string.

In version 1.3.5 I added simple support for tokenizing Japanese text on hiragana characters and some punctuation. It looks much better when display Japanese now.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 4:53 pm
by FuguTabetai
I finally realized why sometimes text with "Outline font" selected has horrible jagged rays shooting off everywhere sometimes. I totally fixed that. (In case you were wondering: I was using a default BasicStroke to stroke the font text shape, which has a Mitre type to join lines - this results in the jagged rays sometimes. I changed it to a round join type, and made round caps as well. Looks much nicer.)

Version 1.3.7

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 11:43 am
by FuguTabetai
1.3.7 has two minor changes: when moving bubbles, the actual bubble is moved real-time so it is easier to see what things will look like, and when you move the mouse over a bubble the bubble is outlined in blue temporarily.

There are 2 problems with the bubble highlighting:

- If you move over a bubble with no text in it, the bubble will stay highlighted even when the mouse leaves the bubble's area. Bubbles with text will only be highlighted when the mouse is over them. If you move to some other bubble the no-text bubble will return to normal.

- If you click on the "color" pop-up menu for the bubble, it will always have a blue outline, which is then set as the real outline color. I will fix this soonish.