Chapter 13 Shonen Ace scans found

A shonen horror style manga. Follows the trails of Misaki Saiki, a young "Necromancer" who can speak with dead people.
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Chapter 13 Shonen Ace scans found

Post by FuguTabetai »

Hi all,

Kotonoha was kind enough to send along scans of Vulgar Ghost Daydream chapter 13 from the monthly Shonen Ace (I believe.) The scans aren't really the best quality, but are passable.

The chapter though isn't really very interesting - just some set up for stuff to come. Also, lots and lots of time spent playing Mahjong, which is pretty tough for me because I only know some basic rules I learned when playing with some Chinese friends.

Anyway, I don't really have time to translate it, but thought that I would mention that it is floating around (somewhere - I don't know where Kotonoha found it) in case people are interested. I could post up a summary of chapter if people want I suppose.
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