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10-12 discussion!

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:07 pm
by faraway
About chapters 10-12 (that was a really nice surprise btw, kudos to fugu!), i miss badou. i know he's pretty useless most of the time(at least when he has his cigarette in), but i hope he shows up in the next few chapters. I hope i'm not the only one seeing a future HaineXnaoto pairing. either that or they just enjoy staring at eachother for a sweeping two page shot since they aren't big on talking. XD i'd love to see them work together lol.. Not to hopeful on any teamwork, since haine's idea of collaborating is occasionally remembering he's working with someone and helping them out after he's done with everything else. (see b&c ch1 XD) I don't think the fact that she's a girl and he's a girl-phobiac would help much either. But they'd have to, if haine's going to help naoto find naoto (O.o confusing). I wonder how mihai and badou will link into all of this...

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 6:40 am
by FuguTabetai
Well, personally I'm quite interested in seeing the backstory to Haine and Giovanni's "Cereberus" implant, and the crazy scientist woman that has apparently been dismantled (!?) once by Haine.

Naoto's backstory, the search for the man with the Katana like her own, is also quite interesting.

We don't know much about Badou, or Mihai either for that matter. They characters all have real interesting depth to them.

I can't say that I've ever paid more than passing attention to Naruto, but I don't see how he can keep fighting so many people and not have become the strongest yet, or changed one bit.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:16 pm
by lifestorm2
It seemed to me that the "thingie" on Haine's back had changed design since the DOGS manga back ...two years ago (something like that).

Haha, Badou's hilarious, too bad he and Mihai haven't gotten much attention (yet). I would also like to see him/them in the next few chapters

I wonder if Mr. Miwa Shirow is going to bring back that crazy guy with long hair in Naoto's story.